domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019


Characteristics of multimedia genres and video games.

Some of the genres of cinematographic works coincide with the genres of multimedia works and videogames, but we are going to focus on the peculiarities of these other two leisure media. When we talk about multimedia, we are talking about a single audiovisual product that includes text, audio, image, video, animation and, in some cases, interactivity. There is a new version of multimedia works that are called hypermedia, referring to the possibilities offered by its use on the internet and the possibilities that there are to modify them, both as a web page and because of its interrelation with social networks. It is so related to "marketing" that a large part of multimedia works are considered products rather than art. A separate case is that of video games, which increasingly take center stage, with multimillion-dollar benefits, which are allowing the entry of true artists in consumer products, raising their quality and intrinsic value.

Let's think now about the styles. A multimedia work is not very different from a movie, but it adds other aspects such as interaction and hypertexts to extend the experience. In the cinema we have Sound and Image, but here we also have texts, audiovisual explanations, links to web pages, etc. The main genres are: Formative: Deepening a cultural theme (about art, cities, history, etc.) Educational To help with different disabilities Advertisers: Commercial Broadcast Informative: Traditional media in digital format (press, television and radio)

Professionals: Doctors Engineering Scientists Video games add the interactive factor to the classification by genres, being the mechanics of the game what makes the difference between them. The system of game and the advances in the programming derived from the improvements in the diverse machines that have been existing, has allowed that the designers could advance in very diverse ways at the time of creating their games. From Arcades to Virtual Reality, the spectrum of leisure that has been created for video games is so broad that there is almost a genre for every taste and for every person. The genres are the following:

Action: Fight Beat 'em Up Arcade Platforms Shots: First person Third person Shoot 'em Up Strategy: Real time Turn based Wargame Building empires MOBA Time management Simulations: Driving (cars and planes) Construction (worlds, farms, cities, bridges) Life Biological Combat Sports: Socer
Football Basketball Olympic Fitness Races: Formula 1 and variations Rallies Adventure: Conversational Adventure game Mixed (action and adventure) Survival Horror and Stealth

Roleplaying: Collaborative Competitive (MMORPG) Videoconference (Hangout) Others: Sandbox Musical Mental agility (puzzle) Party games Educational We can also consider whether it is a single-player game or multiplayer, if it is for a platform or is for a browser, You can expand this section by visiting the Wikipedia for the genres within the multimedia works (in Spanish and English), the videogames (in Spanish and English) and as I have commented the genres of the Comic, you can also see more in the version in Spanish or in English.

The new media genres: Internet, mobile phones and other screens.

We have already talked about the Internet in the other sections, but for New Media, we can only count on the Internet, so we must master and understand what this new version of multimedia products is.
With New Media we refer to products contained in Web pages, which are consumed on demand by the user and which use online social networks. The best example is the Blog, but we can also count on web pages of press media and magazines, wikis, forums and anything else that we can find on the web that requires interaction between users and between creators and users. Notice that We do not speak of "spectators". They are fully active (interactive) at your leisure and is another element to consider that we will see in the next section.
We went from the broadcast in which audiovisual products were broadcast without other criteria than that of a team of professionals who decided the programming grid, to a selection of active content by the viewer (for the consumption of "classic" products such as cinema, series or television or radio programs) or by the Internet user (who participates in the audiovisual product with his comments, his "likes", his memes, etc., always being possible the answer to and the deferred enjoyment of the products that are now digital objects, ready to be enjoyed on mobile phones, tablets, computers and Smart TVs.
These works require not only aesthetic and artistic aspects (as is the case of cinema), but also control of the software for which they were created and a series of algorithms that manage the user's interactivity. Their messages are so powerful and their dissemination is so enormous that they are sometimes able to become "viral" and reach a large part of the world population, allowing social changes in an increasingly globalized world. Regarding the genres, we have difficulties to close them in a series of categories. We must attend to that triple element that characterizes the New Media; art + programming + interactivity. That is why genres are going to be more "container" than "contents": Apps for mobile phones and tablets / Computer programs for personal computers: All Multimedia genres can be added here, because what matters is how they work in those media

Social networks associated with a function: All social networks can be included here, but not in its basic form (ie, not in Facebook or in Twitter) but how they "embed" (embed) in other products like Blogs to create or attend a certain function. Advertising: As in multimedia, but with greater interactivity and with a certain feeling of a closed object.




- Use the following material to create with Prezi, Powerpoint or other similar tool a presentation about The new media. 

- You must include: Definition, types, history, characteristics, problems, future and so on.

- Focus mainly on points 1.2 and 1.3 of  ´´Module  1´´

Introduction to New Media de Ismail Hakki Polat



TASK FOURTH. CREATE A BLOG Sttp 5 b blogger01 create blogger from Satoru Hoshiba